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About Me.

During my schooling, I set out on a journey with a rule to do ONE stupid activity every day. This did not only improve my perception of life but made my monotonous life ....... INTERESTING.


I have tried Cooking a proper omelet on a Fabric Iron, Preparing noodles in a plastic bucket with a water heater rod, using a broom as a rod to carry groceries more than 3 miles walking, or making use of a plastic bottle to pick a locked window when I forget my keys. Being an engineer, I like to implement my learnings to make my every day just a little more simpler.


I wish to share all the best as well as the worst experiences, with the physically challenged. With a desire to do that, I am portraying my academic experiences and my journey so far to be able to fulfill my long-lasted dream. 



Bachelor of Technology - Mechanical Engineering

I graduated First Class with Highest Distinction in Mechanical Engineering. I was in the Dean's List for 3 consecutive years and received Academic Excellency Scholarship. During my schooling, I also participated in number of Student Technical Teams and Clubs, including SRM Team Humanoid, IEEE Student Research and Development, IEEE Student RAS, SRM Robocon and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).


SRM Institute of Science and Technology

Professional Experience

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Research Trainee

at Centre for Engineered Therapeutics, Cambridge, USA

Summer 2021



Principal Investigators: Dr. Shiladitya Sengupta & Dr. HaeLin Jang

Mentor: Dr. Vivian K. Lee


  • Researching on customizable alveolar ridge implant fabricable using 3D bioprinting using biodegradable regenerative cement to treat periodontitis included bone loss.

  • Collaborating to develop the first personalized 3D muscle-bone implant that provides proliferation and differentiation of myoblast and osteoblasts and can store/release drugs to prevent tissue degeneration or excessive inflammation.

  • Restored the non-functional pneumatic bioprinter by fixing x,y,z endstop, UV lights, camera, raspberry pi and motherboard communication channel, regulatory pressure additionally improved by adding programmable mechanical extruder for achieving constant outflow and bypassing the previous 10 psi lock.

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R&D Robotics Engineering Intern

at JMoon Technologies, Delhi, India

Summer 2019



Mentor: Mr. Jasmeet Singh


  • Designed & fabricated 12-DoF Sprawiling Quadruped Robot as a consumer product, bringing profits of $240/product.

  • Devised a tablet setup using Latte Panda Mini & Intel R200 RealSense for 3D scanning and displaying live virtual models, as a substitute to 3D scanner, saving the company more than $500.

  • Worked extensively with Fused Decomposition Modelling (FDM) and Stereolithography (SLA) type 3D printers and 3D printing suits.

  • Designed and simulated a prototype for 4-DoF Robotic manipulator and calculated its workspace area and programmed motion planning algorithms for obstacle avoaidance.

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Mechanical Engineering Intern

at Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, Ahmedabad, India

Fall 2018



Mentor: Dr. Satinder Singh, Mr. Ravindra Singh & Mr. Sanjay Tripathi


  • Periodic Maintenance of Drilling Rig Equipments.

  • Worked with and understood different aspects of the drilling industry- Drilling, extraction, Mud development, Casting, and Cementation.

  • Assisted with calculating angles and forces for Directional Drilling, and contribute towards their ongoing researchers.

  • Underwent case studies to calculate - cement slurry volume, the requirement of dry cement and displacement fluids, pump required, time analysis, pre-flushing, cement volume calculation.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publication

  • N. Desai, D.Singh, C. Balasuthagar. “Design, Analysis and Development of Vortex Shedding Resonant Wind Generators” In: ISTAMCE 2021, Under Publication, Journal of Engineering, Scopus (*Contributed Equally as the first author)

  • D. Singh, A. Verma. “Replicating the Natural Limb Structure of a Mammal type Quadruped on a Highly Compact 12-DoF Robot to deduce limb structure and canine gait efficiency relation” In ICRADMM 2020, Under Publication, LNME, Scopus (*First Author)

Leadership Experience



November 2017:  Junior Mechanical Engineer

January 2019:  Mechanical Domain Team Lead

July 2021:   Senior Associate


Major Achievements:

  • Administered a team of 25 members & executed the development of 1 teen-sized and 1 adult-sized bipedal humanoids.

  • Simulated and formulated inverse kinematic equations for 7-DoF manipulator for Manipulation of Spanish Fan, IROS 2018.

  • Undertook paid project by SPIKTEL Group to build a Humanoid for Teaching Assistance in rural areas under a strict $500 budget.


January 2019:  Co-Founder and CTO


Major Achievements:

  • Monitored a team of 12 to manage Product designing, Website & app development, and public outreach.

  • Finalist at The Alchemist Accelerator 2020, Venrock, Palo Alto, California

  • Awarded among top 10 start-up innovation ideas in India, at EXIMIUS IIM Bangalore ($2000).




September 2020: Research and Development Member

 & Robot Automation Society Hardware Lead



Major Achievements:

  • Conducted biweekly workshops - Python for Robotics, Parametric Modelling, and Robot Control.

  • Worked on two projects parallelly - improving the wheelchair ergonomics and wheelchair-mounted manipulator.

  • Assisted juniors with their research ideas.

Major Technologies I Work With

Designing and Simulation Softwares


Programming Languages and Framework


Robotic Tools and Framework

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