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Hi! I am


Aspiring Bio-Roboticist

I am a Mechanical Engineering with passion for Rehabilitation, and Medical Robotics. With a prime objective to impact the Health Industry drastically, I am refining my skills in Mechanical, Computational and Biological Systems.


Between my schooling from SRM Institute of Science and Technology, work experience and working currently at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital, I have undertaken diverse projects and researches. My most recent research focused to find a cure for periodontists by promoting periodontal regeneration, and developing the 3D bone-muscle implant.


In my opinion, there is so much to life than what we see. Early fascination for Sketching led to my interest in Origami and Quilling. These skills then developed my obsessions for designs.


My inspiration is derived from the uncommon world cliche's - Anime. Though a belief that  not everything  in your life should be about learning, Anime has taught me so much about life than any book ever.  Personal Recommendation - "FMAB"

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